The Edenton-Chowan Public Schools, which serves approximately 1,810 students, provides an appropriate public education to all students. We have four schools within our district: White Oak Elementary School (grades PreK-2), D.F. Walker Elementary School (grades 3-5), Chowan Middle School (grades 6-8), and John A. Holmes High School (grades 9-12). John A. Holmes High School is fully accredited by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). The system employs about 136 teaching professionals, 24 of whom have National Board Certification, and about 22 support personnel, including school psychologists, social workers, school nurses, and media specialists. Our schools operate on a traditional August-to-May calendar.
The school system offers a comprehensive curriculum based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. In addition to the traditional academic courses (English, Math, Science and Social Studies), the education program includes music, foreign language, art, band, theater, athletics, career and technical education classes, and advanced placement courses. Our high school is proud to offer 22 athletic teams for students to choose from. Additionally, our high school students have access to the College of The Albemarle (COA), a community college with a satellite campus in Edenton, NC. Students may dual enroll in COA through Career and College Promise to earn their Associates Degree or career credentials and certifications. John A. Holmes High School is on block scheduling, which enables a student to take four courses the first semester and four courses the second semester for a total of eight per year. Our school system requires 28 credits to graduate.
Edenton-Chowan Schools has zero low-performing schools as measured by the NCDPI’s accountability model. D.F. Walker Elementary School was recognized in 2019 as a National Title I Distinguished School. Chowan Middle School was recognized in 2021 as a School to Watch. Our three strategic improvement goals are to 1. Eliminate Opportunity Gaps; 2. Improve School/District Performance; and, 3. Prepare Future-Ready Educators. Our vision to reach these goals is to excite, engage, and empower excellence through transforming experiences. We believe transforming experiences are a product of collaboration, innovation and inspiration. We are inspired by the children we serve and our belief that education elevates a child’s life position.
For more information, visit https://sites.google.com/ecps.k12.nc.us/district/
Lawrence Academy offers students a unique learning community – one committed to providing an outstanding learning environment and shaping a bright future for every student. Students are challenged in an academic atmosphere that stimulates their creativity and while exposing their special talents. Lawrence is a school where teachers respect and value student ideas, welcome the challenge of a difficult question, and incorporate both traditional and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
The campus is a place where children smile and laugh. It is a family place where brothers, sisters, and friends ride the bus together and greet each other in the halls during the school day. Parents are active on campus and play an integral part in supporting the school’s mission. We value each student’s individuality at Lawrence Academy and invest in his/her academic and social development. Please learn more about Lawrence Academy by visiting the school. Together we can make your child’s experience at Lawrence a truly memorable and rewarding experience.
Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies (NEAAAT) is a highly innovative regional public school located in Elizabeth City, NC, that inspires and prepares all students with the STEM-related skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to meet future challenges in the global workforce and their communities.
Oak Grove Christian Academy is a hybrid Christian school discipling students to be independent critical thinkers, grounded in Christ who positively contribute to our society. We strive for a balance of in-school & home school education, individually tailored, mastery-based education with low teacher / student ratios, and Christ-Centered Leadership & Character Development.
For 2023 – 2024 school year, we are accepting applications for Kindergarten through 9th grade and plan to continue adding grades each year through 12th grade. We are 3 days a week with 2 days at home with the school teachers working with the parents for continuity at home. For the 2023 – 2024 school year, we will be at school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The school is located at 131 Morristown Road. We can be reached at 252 642-9854.
Website: 0akgroveedenton.com
Email: oakgroveedenton@gmail.com
At College of The Albemarle (COA), we’ve always been much more than campuses, classes, degrees and certificates. Our real passion is transformation: of our students as you achieve your dreams and of ourselves as we grow to better serve our communities. We all have a tremendous spark of possibility within us. At COA, you’ll find the support you need to break through and reach your full potential. Teachers, friends and mentors are here to help introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities. We know this because we’ve learned the stories, witnessed the talent and shared in the success of our students time after time. College of The Albemarle is North Carolina’s first community college, with four campuses across seven counties, excellent educational programs and a strong tradition in the Albemarle region. Above all, we’re a catalyst for transforming lives.
College of The Albemarle offers 40+ programs of study including business and computer; college transfer and general education; nursing and allied health; first responders and public safety; hospitality and public services; industry, manufacturing and transportation; and the arts. We also offer many amazing opportunities for professional and personal growth through our Workforce Development and Career Readiness (WDCR), formerly Continuing Education. No matter your background, whatever your goals, at COA, you’ll transform your tomorrow.
www.albemarle.edu Phone: 252.335.0821