The Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization that serves to support and engage the business community. Our mission is to strengthen member businesses, stimulate local prosperity, and contribute to the growth and stability of the community. We offer networking events, community and business development, ribbon cuttings, business referrals and promotions. The Chamber works to unite all businesses, professionals, organizations and educational institutions who are committed to building a better community in Edenton and Chowan County.
This website is designed to provide our members and local residents, as well as visitors to the area, information regarding the benefits of membership (business or individual), community, economic development and advocacy programs that the Chamber supports and works to strengthen for its members and the community at large. We hope that you find our website information and the benefits it affords you as a member of this Chamber and the Edenton-Chowan area beneficial. If you are not currently a member of the Chamber, please call us to see how becoming a member could benefit your business as well as the local community.
The strength of your Chamber lies in attracting a greater number of members, thus creating a pool of resources from which to draw ideas, energy, and financial support, allowing us to more fully engage and support this wonderful community.